Data Tools

Arup City Resilience Index

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Categories: Resilience

By: Arup

The City Resilience Index enables cities to measure and monitor the multiple factors that contribute to their resilience. Developed by Arup with support from the Rockefeller Foundation, its primary purpose is to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and measure relative performance over time. This provides a holistic articulation of city resilience, structured around four dimensions, 12 goals and 52 indicators that are critical for the resilience of our cities. This structure also forms the foundations of the Index, which cities will be able to access and use through an online platform.

The Index can be used by city governments, universities, non-governmental organizations and community groups. It also helps cities capture the views of vulnerable groups that normally suffer more severely from the impacts of disruptions and failures.

Access the City Resilience Index on Arup’s website.